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Refreshing Your Furniture: Comprehensive Guide to Upholstery Revival

Is your furniture looking a bit tired and worn out? Don't worry—you can breathe new life into your beloved pieces with the right upholstery revival techniques. This comprehensive guide will explore expert tips and techniques for refreshing your furniture and restoring its beauty. From preventive maintenance to eco-friendly revival methods, we'll cover everything you need to know to revitalise your seating and create a more inviting living space.

Preventive Maintenance Techniques

Preventive maintenance is key to keeping your upholstery looking its best for years. Here are some techniques to help protect your furniture from everyday wear and tear:

1. Protective covers: Use slipcovers or throws to shield your seating from spills, pet hair, and other accidents. These removable covers can be easily washed or replaced, preserving the underlying upholstery fabric.


2. Regular vacuuming: Vacuum regularly to remove surface dirt, dust, and debris from your upholstery. Use a soft brush attachment to gently lift dirt from the fabric without causing damage.

3. Brushing and fluffing: For fabrics prone to matting or flattening, such as velvet or chenille, use a soft-bristled brush to fluff up the fibres and restore their plush appearance gently. Brushing also helps to remove pet hair and lint from upholstery.

Eco-Friendly Revival Methods

If you prefer natural, non-toxic alternatives to traditional upholstery cleaners, there are several eco-friendly revival methods you can try:

1. Vinegar solution: Mix white vinegar and water in a spray bottle and lightly mist the upholstery. Let the solution sit for a few minutes, then blot with a clean cloth to lift dirt and stains. Vinegar is a natural disinfectant and deodoriser, making it an effective eco-friendly cleaner for upholstery.

2. Baking soda treatment: Sprinkle baking soda liberally over the upholstery and let it sit for several hours or overnight to absorb odours and moisture. Vacuum the baking soda thoroughly to remove it from the fabric, leaving your upholstery fresh and clean.

Specialty Upholstery Materials

Different upholstery materials require specific care and maintenance techniques to keep them looking their best. Here's how to care for some common speciality upholstery materials:

1. Leather: Wipe leather upholstery with a damp cloth to remove surface dust and dirt. Use a leather conditioner to keep the leather soft and supple. Avoid placing leather furniture in direct sunlight to prevent fading and cracking.

2. Suede: Brush suede upholstery regularly with a suede brush to remove surface dirt and restore the nap. For deeper cleaning, use a suede cleaner and follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully to avoid damaging the fabric.

DIY Upholstery Repair

Minor upholstery repairs can be done at home with the right tools and materials. Here are some DIY upholstery repair techniques to try:

1. Patching holes: Use a fabric patch and glue to repair small holes or tears in upholstery fabric. Cut the patch to size, apply fabric glue to the edges, and press the patch firmly onto the damaged area.

2. Fixing loose seams: Thread a needle with upholstery thread and sew the loose seam back together using a whipstitch or backstitch. Knot the thread securely at the end to prevent unravelling.

Professional Upholstery Services

Consider hiring a professional upholstery service for more extensive upholstery repairs or deep cleaning. Here are some benefits of professional upholstery services:

1. Deep cleaning: Professional upholstery cleaners have the equipment and expertise to clean upholstery fabric, removing embedded dirt, stains, and odours.

2. Stain removal: Stubborn stains such as ink, wine, or grease can be difficult to remove with household cleaners. Professional upholstery cleaners use specialised products and techniques to remove even the toughest stains.

With the upholstery revival techniques in this guide, you have everything you need to refresh your furniture and create a more inviting living space. Whether you prefer preventive maintenance, eco-friendly cleaning methods, or professional upholstery services, there's a solution to suit your needs. By taking care of your upholstery and addressing any issues promptly, you can enjoy clean, fresh furniture for years to come.


How often should I perform preventive maintenance on my upholstery?

You should regularly perform preventive maintenance on your upholstery to keep it looking its best. Aim to use protective covers, vacuum, and brush your upholstery at least once a month to prevent dirt and debris buildup. More frequent maintenance may be necessary for high-traffic areas or households with pets.

Are eco-friendly revival methods as effective as traditional upholstery cleaners?

Eco-friendly revival methods, such as vinegar solutions and baking soda treatments, can be as effective as traditional upholstery cleaners for mild to moderate cleaning needs. However, they may not be as potent for heavily soiled or deeply embedded stains. For tough stains or extensive cleaning, professional upholstery services may be required.

When should I consider professional upholstery services?

Professional upholstery services are recommended for deep cleaning, stain removal, and extensive repairs that DIY methods cannot address effectively. Consider hiring a professional upholstery cleaner if your upholstery requires deep cleaning, has stubborn stains, or has significant damage, such as tears or holes. Professional services can help restore your upholstery to its original condition and prolong its lifespan.

© London Carpet Cleaners

Stop Making These Five Vacuum Cleaning Mistakes that Ruin your Carpet



You know that vacuum cleaning keeps a carpet sparkly clean, but are you sure you are doing it right? As simple to address as the chore seems, vacuum cleaning should be done properly to get optimal results. To make the most of all benefits vacuum cleaning ensures, try to avoid these five common vacuuming mistakes you might be guilty of.


Discover these effective strategies to avoid the five common errors that can severely damage your carpet while vacuuming.


Don’t skip hidden surfaces

While vacuuming, how often do you address those hard-to-reach areas behind the couch or under the bed? You probably skip cleaning such awkward spaces, which is a big mistake. If left untended for a long time, dust and debris keep piling up there, making your home unsightly and unhealthy. To stay safe, ensure you go over hidden areas with the vacuum as often as possible, preferably once a week. If your furniture can be easily relocated, move the pieces to get full access to awkward spaces.


Don’t rush through the job

To ensure you’ve eliminated all contamination from your carpeted floors, do your best to vacuum clean slowly enough. Rushing through the chore means dust and pollution will stay trapped in the fibres, compromising your carpet's healthy home environment and lifespan. Surely you want to get over with vacuum cleaning in a few minutes, but this means doing a superficial job. You need to take your time and slowly vacuum each nook of your carpet, addressing the surface a few times from a different angle. This way, you will collect even deeply embedded dirt that would otherwise keep hiding in the carpet.


Don’t overfill the vacuum

If your pricey vacuum cleaner fails to lift as much dirt as it used to or makes funny sounds, chances are you forgot to empty the canister. No matter how expensive, a poorly maintained vacuum cleaner stands no chance against a full bag or container, resulting in compromised suction power. To keep your quality vacuum in excellent working order, don’t allow the canister or the bag to get more than half full. Empty those regularly so the machine can meet your expectations for a functional appliance.


If you are not used to decluttering your floors before vacuum cleaning, you risk causing serious damage to your vacuum. Don’t let clutter sit.

Your vacuum cleaner can certainly do a lot for the durability of your carpet, yet you shouldn’t try collecting everything with the machine. Large objects like coins or toys lying on the carpet should never be vacuumed; you need to check the floors before turning the vacuum cleaner on. Once the floors are clutter-free, make sure you remove furniture that prevents you from moving easily with the vacuum. Bumping the vacuum into furniture is not the way to take care of your appliance, so try to remove any obstacles that may stay in your way while cleaning.


Don’t underestimate all the attachments

The various attachments of your vacuum cleaner come with the machine for a reason – they allow you to keep the carpet clean and so many other surfaces around the house too. If you never take advantage of the crevice attachment or the upholstery attachment of your vacuum, fix this mistake immediately. Putting the vacuum’s accessories to good use helps you to banish dust and allergens from the furniture, the mattress, the curtains, and even the light fixtures, thus removing germs and bacteria from the house.


Make your home a tidier place to live by steering clear of these typical vacuum cleaning mistakes lots of people tend to make.


© London Carpet Cleaners



Try these 5 Tips for a Stain-free Carpet


A carpet covered with stains can make your place look unwelcoming and neglected. While keeping carpeted floors stain-free could be tough, you must learn smart tricks to minimise carpet staining to enjoy a nice-looking home.

Check the tips below to prevent serious carpet staining in the future:

Remove spills immediately

Untreated spills or spills you have addressed too late are likely to turn into tough carpet stains or, in some cases, even permanent ones. To avoid challenging carpet stains, remember to get rid of carpet spills as soon as possible. If you spill your morning coffee on the carpet or your beloved pet has just had an accident on the carpeted floor, immediately absorb the liquid spills with paper towels or a clean towel, then move on with the proper stain removal treatment. Doing so allows you to prevent the spill from settling in the carpet’s fibres, causing stubborn carpet staining.

Work gently on the spills

while your quick reaction to a spill on the carpet is crucial, addressing the spill with a reasonable cleaning method is just as important. Many homeowners rub or scrub the carpet spill to absorb more of the mess, but this is not the right approach to tackle carpet spills. Rubbing or scrubbing will only push the spill deeper into the carpet’s fibres, causing even more serious carpet problems. To keep the carpet stain-free in the long run, just blot spills gently without applying lots of pressure. Work slowly, addressing the mess from its corners and moving towards the centre. Once you have absorbed the spill safely, apply a reliable stain treatment to prevent further issues.

Add area rugs

If an area of your carpeted floor faces more serious foot traffic, chances are this part of the carpet would wear off faster and get stained before you know it. What’s great about area rugs is that they are easy to keep clean and pretty affordable if a replacement is required. Plus, area rugs can be found in various colours and patterns, so you would face no trouble finding one that matches the interior of your place. Consider adding beautiful area rugs to keep the busiest parts of your carpet looking their best.

Take advantage of a carpet protectant 

These wonderful additions work as an extra layer added over the carpet that protects the surface beneath from nasty stains. Adding strain-resistant protection on the carpet may be expensive, but its results are worth the investment. Accidental spills and daily wear and tear would not stand a chance against the carpet protectant, as it serves as a barrier between the carpet and contamination. However, remember that to get optimum results, you should have the carpet deep cleaned before applying the treatment. Otherwise, already existing stains will remain trapped under the carpet protectant. On the other hand, if you are in the market for a brand-new carpet, consider purchasing one with stain protection already added to the solution.

Have the carpet cleaned by the pros  

Have the carpet been deep cleaned by the pros at least once or twice per year to preserve the surface free from stains and pollution? Have the carpet cleaned regularly – if your carpeted floors are subjected to severe foot traffic every day, or you find it challenging to banish old stains, then hiring a professional carpet cleaning service is your best bet. Expert carpet cleaners own the knowledge and equipment to eliminate even the toughest stains, ensuring a sparkly clean carpet for months.

Carpet stains can be adamant about keeping at bay, but sticking to these cleaning tips will help you maintain a stain-free carpet for much longer.

© London Carpet Cleaners

How to Use Baking Soda as an Effective Carpet Cleaner



Regarding eco-friendly carpet cleaning, baking soda is the best ingredient you can rely on. It is safe even in homes with kids or pets, as baking soda is non-aggressive and chemical-free. If you want to improve your carpet maintenance by making it healthier, here is how to employ baking soda in your cleaning routine:


  • Remove greasy stains – tough to tackle greasy stains can be banished with baking soda thanks to its great absorbing qualities. Start the cleaning procedure by vacuuming the carpet to collect excess dirt, then try to remove as much of the spill as possible with paper towels. Never rub or scrub the stain, as you risk spreading it further. Instead, gently blot with paper towels and, after that, sprinkle baking soda on the surface. Make sure the affected area of the carpet is well-covered with baking soda. To make the most of the treatment, let the ingredient sit on the stained area for at least 12 hours, even overnight. On the following day, vacuum clean again to collect residue and check if any signs of staining still show off. If you are dealing with a highly persistent mess, try mixing baking soda with a bit of liquid dish soap and cover the stain with your DIY cleaning remedy. Let it sit for a few hours, then rinse with water and dry. Vacuum clean to remove baking soda residue.


  • Remove non-greasy stains – even though non-greasy spills on the carpet tend to be less stubborn, you can take advantage of the excellent cleaning potential of baking soda. Again, vacuum clean the carpet to prevent grime from interfering with the treatment. Next, sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda on the carpet, followed by a spritz of hot water. Allow the paste-like mixture to sit on the carpet for as long as possible and vacuum clean. Add a little liquid dish soap to the cleaning solution if you prefer. In this case, rinse the carpet before vacuuming to remove soapy residue. Let the carpet dry completely before you use it again.


  • Remove unwanted odours – one of the most significant disadvantages carpets have is their ability to trap unpleasant smells that ruin the interior of your place. However, you can refresh the carpet naturally and eliminate trapped odours using only baking soda. Start by thoroughly vacuum cleaning the entire carpet to eliminate dust and dirt. Then sprinkle baking soda all over the carpet and work the ingredient into the fibres with a clean brush. Like the other baking soda cleaning methods, you will have to wait for at least 12 hours before the element does its magic. Allow the carpet to stay covered with baking soda for as long as possible, and then vacuum clean. While vacuuming, remember to make a couple of passes on the carpet, approaching the surface from a different angle, to collect all the baking soda residue.


  • Remove moisture – if your floors are carpeted, you should be well aware that your precious carpet doesn’t tolerate moisture, and high humidity levels can lead to mould and mildew growing under the carpet. Even the most innocent spill can damage the carpet, but you can keep your floors safe with baking soda. Whenever a spill occurs, grab paper towels or a clean white towel to collect excess liquid, then sprinkle a sufficient amount of baking soda on the affected area of the carpet. As usual, allow the ingredient to sit for as long as possible and vacuum clean. Any liquid spilt on the carpet can be successfully treated with baking soda; even nasty pet urine stains will be eliminated when addressed with the proper baking soda treatment.


Few ingredients offer better cleaning qualities than baking soda. Utilise the eco-friendly ingredient in your carpet cleaning routine to tackle all carpet issues safely.


© London Carpet Cleaners


Expert Carpet Cleaners Share Strategies for Dealing with Dusty Carpets and Rugs


Quality carpets look gorgeous and provide extra comfort, but they attract a huge amount of dust. If you have just purchased your first carpet, get ready to ensure serious maintenance so that the air at home stays healthy. To reduce dust exposure indoors, follow these tips for squeaky clean rugs and carpets:


  • Pick the right rug – with the great variety of rugs and carpets on the market, you will undoubtedly find a perfect pattern for your interior. Although appearance matters a lot, it does not only look that you should focus on. Rugs’ threads are designed differently, and while some models can repel dust, others tend to keep it trapped. So when hunting for a brand-new rug, consider foot traffic at home. If you intend to install a rug or a carpet on a premise with significant foot traffic, pick a loop pile solution. If dust exposure in the room is limited, a cut pile will do the job just fine.


  • Dust first – When keeping the floors dust-free for longer, remember to always dust before you vacuum clean. Dealing with the chores in the opposite order means a certain amount of dust will inevitably land on your carpet after vacuuming, making it harder for you to sustain a dust-free environment at your place. Start cleaning higher areas like light fixtures and top shelves to minimise dust on the floors. Go over those surfaces using only a damp microfiber cloth to lift as much dust as possible. When done, you can thoroughly vacuum clean the carpeted floor as the last step of your list of chores.


  • Vacuum regularly – as one of the best carpet cleaning strategies, vacuum cleaning should be performed the right way to do its magic. A great rule of thumb for a dust-free carpet is to vacuum clean it at least once or twice weekly in all directions, addressing the carpet from a different angle. When vacuuming, don’t rush through the job. Take your time so that suction can collect a large amount of dirt and deeply embedded dust.


  • Keep shoes off – many people have the habit of keeping their shoes on at home, yet this is not a healthy choice. Outdoor shoes track many germs, dust and dirt inside, and those pollutants find their way on the rug. To prevent that, make it a habit to take your shoes off the moment you walk home. Instead of stepping with your grimy footwear on the carpet, take advantage of the comfy slippers you use only indoors.


  • Use the carpet beater – light rugs made of thinner threads can be taken outside from time to time, and with the help of your carpet beater, you can get rid of dust stuck in the rug. Just be careful with the force you employ, as your rug’s gentle fibres can get damaged if you are not careful with the carpet beater. 


  • Call the pros – having carpeted floors treated professionally. Has the carpet been professionally cleaned once or twice a year to preserve it fresh for a long time? goes a long way to prolong their longevity, as well as to keep unwanted bacteria at bay. You should realise hiring professional carpet cleaners is not related to just having tough stains eliminated from the carpet. Booking an expert service will significantly reduce dust at home since professional carpet cleaning equipment can extract all pollutants trapped in the fibres.


Dust is a nasty pollutant that can seriously affect your rugs and carpets, but you can adopt these expert strategies and properly manage dust at home.


© London Carpet Cleaners


6 Tools that can Help Your Carpet Cleaning Efforts Greatly


Keeping the carpet clean is never an easy job. You need to rely on smart cleaning tricks to deal with dust, grime and all sorts of stains that threaten to ruin your beautiful carpets. Of course, the most effective cleaning tools should also be employed for a fresh, vibrant carpet. Here is a list of cleaning tools and ingredients that will let you banish messes from the carpet like a pro:


  • Baking soda – is an eco-friendly, perfectly healthy natural ingredient you should use when faced with oily stains on the carpet. Baking soda is an absorbent component and once sprinkled on a greasy mess, it can lift and remove the stain safely. Just sprinkle the affected area of your carpet and let the baking soda sit for a while, then vacuum clean. Baking soda is also the right way to go if nasty carpet smells bother you. Again, sprinkle the ingredient on the carpet, let it sit for several hours and vacuum clean to collect residue.


  • Toothbrush – have you ever used an old toothbrush to clean bathroom tiles or remove grime from hard-to-reach surfaces at home? If you have, you know how effective a toothbrush can be and you should utilise this cool cleaning tool for carpet cleaning. As you have sprinkled baking soda on a carpet stain, scrub it gently to work the ingredient into the spill and boost its cleaning potential. Remember to always use a clean, soft toothbrush, or else you risk damaging the carpet’s fibres.


  • Ice cubes – ice cubes are perfect for tackling sticky spills on the carpet like candle wax or chewing gum. Place an ice cube on the affected part of your carpet, let it melt and you will be able to remove the mess effortlessly. To tackle the task even faster, grab a blunt knife and gently scrape off the residue. After that try to dry the carpet completely, as carpets don’t tolerate moisture. Keep your blunt knife close by – it is great for removing bulky carpet stains like chocolate or curry sauce spills.


  • Towels – given the fact that carpets don’t tolerate moisture, you need to have a reliable tool to keep the surface dry all the time. Whether you want to absorb a liquid stain before proceeding with the right treatment or you have just finished rinsing the carpet, make sure you employ a clean towel or paper towel to preserve the carpet as dry as possible. A dry carpet reduces the chance of mould and mildew growing underneath, so never underestimate carpet moisture. If you decide to count on a cotton towel to absorb liquids from the carpet, always use a white one to prevent transferring colours from the towel to the carpet. As for paper towels, they should also be white to avoid dye transfer.


  • Rubber gloves – rubber gloves are what keep your skin protected when handling a messy cleaning job like oven cleaning, but they are also a must-have tool for carpet cleaning. If you live with a furry pet, you would certainly appreciate the benefits of rubber gloves, since you can easily remove pet hair from the carpet by just going over the surface with your gloves on. Rub the gloves on the carpet, collect pet hair, and then dip the gloves in hot water to set them free from gathered hair.


  • Sticky tape – sticky tape is another carpet cleaning tool to banish pet hair from the surface. Pad the affected carpet area with the tape and remove stubborn hairs stuck in the carpet. Other types of debris like pollen particles also can be eliminated from the carpet with the same trick.


The right carpet cleaning tools go a long way to simplify carpet maintenance. Use these six tools smartly for a long-lasting, spotless carpet.


© London Carpet Cleaners


A Simple Guide to Removing Carpet Stains


With a tastefully selected carpet, you can drastically improve your home’s overall appearance. Carpets bring warmth to any room, but one of their greatest disadvantages is staining. While any type of flooring solution can get stained, carpets are the toughest to clean. To banish stains from the carpet, you should adopt stain removal hacks that are effective and easy to follow. Here are simple guidelines on how to rescue the carpet from nasty stains:


  • Apply only water – before you go for a more complicated cleaning method, try to get rid of the carpet stain using only water. Believe it or not, clean water works on many carpet messes, especially those that are non-greasy. Just take a clean towel and soak it in water, then gently dab on the stain and let the carpet dry. Remember to never rub or scrub on the stain, to avoid spreading it on the carpet. Also, choose a white towel, otherwise, you risk colour transfer from the towel to the carpet. Do not over-wet the carpet to prevent mould or mildew from appearing.


  • Apply white vinegar – as a powerful cleaning agent, white distilled vinegar works wonders when treating carpet stains. Get rid of pet accidents on the carpet by mixing a few teaspoons of white vinegar with two cups of water. Use a clean white towel soaked in the mixture and gently dab the affected area of the carpet. After that, rinse with water. This stain removal hack is not only effective against numerous types of carpet stains, but it is also eco-friendly and safe for your health.


  • Apply liquid dish soap – another harmless trick to banish carpet stains is a mixture of a cup of water and a few drops of liquid dish soap. Just like you did before, grab a white towel and soak it in the cleaning solution, then dab on the stain. In case you are faced with a stubborn carpet stain, you can upgrade this mixture by adding a few tablespoons of white distilled vinegar. After that reapply the cleaning remedy, dab again and rinse with water to get rid of the mess.


  • Apply baking soda – just like white vinegar, baking soda is an eco-friendly ingredient with lots of cleaning applications around the house, including carpet cleaning. Baking soda is the ultimate cleaning remedy when it comes to greasy stains on the carpet. It is also the smartest choice to neutralize nasty carpet odours without chemicals. Sprinkle some baking soda on the carpet stain and then spray the area with your vinegar and dish soap cleaning solution. The mixture should look like a paste as it has dried. Let the stained surface stay covered with the mixture for a while and after that vacuum cleaner to gather residue.


  • Apply shaving cream – common dirt stains or oily messes can be successfully removed from the carpet with the help of shaving cream. Apply the product to the contaminated surface by rubbing it. Wait a few minutes for the cream to dry and wipe the residue with a wet towel. For particularly stubborn stains you might have to repeat the cleaning procedure several times to banish the stain completely.


  • Hire a cleaning service – in some cases, carpet stains are so tough that DIY cleaning approaches might fail you. In those moments the best you can do to rescue the stained carpet is to have it cleaned by professionals. Carpet cleaning experts rely on the most efficient cleaning techniques to tackle any carpet stain, no matter how old or stubborn the mess is.


Stick to these carpet cleaning strategies to easily defeat any carpet stain and make the carpet look brand-new.


© London Carpet Cleaners

5 Carpet Cleaning Tips Every Pet Owner Should Take into Consideration


There is so much love and joy pets bring the moment they enter a home. However, if your floors are carpeted, the presence of a four-legged friend will make cleaning jobs more complicated than you imagine. Fur and muddy paws on the carpet will be issues you need to deal with daily, which is why you should approach carpet cleaning wisely. Read on to discover amazing carpet cleaning tips that will make your life easier when living with a pet: 


  • Clean wet messes quickly – carpets don’t react well when affected by water and if your baby dog or cat has had an accident on the surface, you need to remove the liquids right away. Grab paper towels to soak up as much of the mess as possible or use a handheld extractor to simplify the procedure. Handheld extractors are life-savers when living with a pet since they suck more liquids and they are pretty easy to keep clean. Once the wet surface seems dry enough, you can move on with applying a cleaning remedy to prevent staining and nasty carpet smells.


  • Green clean the carpet – chances are your fluffy friend spends numerous hours playing or sleeping on the carpet. Given the huge contact your pet has with the carpet, you should always steer clear of toxic products that might be dangerous to the health of your beloved pet. Instead, pick eco-friendly carpet cleaning approaches that are just as effective as store-bought products, but at the same time, they contain no dangerous chemicals. In fact, you don’t have to purchase eco-friendly carpet cleaners at the store. Make your own cleaning remedies with natural ingredients like baking soda and white vinegar to banish pet stains from the carpet or tackle unpleasant pet odours.


  • Keep your pet clean – imagine taking your dog out for a walk on a rainy day and forgetting to wash its paws and dry its fur as the walk is over. Obviously, you don’t want the entire mess to land on your carpet, that’s why you should stay serious about keeping your dog clean. Don’t let your pet spend time on the carpet unless it is perfectly clean, otherwise, grime and smells will be transferred from the pet to the carpet. Another thing to consider is the fact that a pet’s claws can scratch and damage the carpet’s fibres. To prevent carpet wear and tear, have the paws of your furry friend well-groomed. Also, brush the pet as often as possible to remove loose hair that will otherwise find its way on the carpet.


  • Buy the best vacuum – having a powerful vacuum cleaner to keep the carpet dust-free is always a good idea, but when living with a pet it is an investment you need to make. The problem is, pets running around your place cause more dust than usual and most of it lands on the carpet. In order to rest assured the air at your place is clean and healthy, purchase the best vacuum you can afford and work with it at least two times a week. This way you will be able to banish a great amount of dust, dirt and pet hair that might compromise air quality indoors.


  • Hire a pro – perhaps you are used to maintaining the carpet by yourself, relying solely on your vacuum cleaner. However, with a pet at home, it is crucial to book a professional carpet cleaning service. Experienced carpet cleaners will improve the environment at home by deep cleaning the carpet, thus eliminating not only pet stains, but nasty germs and bacteria trapped in the carpet. Hire a pro every six months to keep the carpet super clean.


Your lovely pet will be just as tempted to spend time on the soft carpet as any other member of your family. Let the clean carpet and your pet co-exist with the help of these tips.


© London Carpet Cleaners


Learn How to Deal with a Red Wine Stain Like a Carpet Cleaning Pro



Spilling red wine on the carpet might result in permanently staining the surface, that’s why you should master smart cleaning approaches to tackle the mess. However, don’t be surprised if the stain doesn’t come off in a flash. Red wine is one of the most challenging carpet stains to treat and if you own a light-coloured carpet, you need to be very careful with the cleaning techniques you opt for. Here is how to remove red wine stains from the carpet like a pro:


  • Gather your supplies – just like most other carpet cleaning spills, red wine requires quick actions, so that you can improve your chances of getting rid of the stain. However, before you address the mess, make sure you have your vacuum cleaner, some paper towels or clean cloths, as well as baking soda and water at your disposal. While you are collecting your cleaning supplies, you can sprinkle salt on the red wine spill as a quick fix.


  • Blot the spill – use paper towels or a clean absorbent cloth to remove as much of the red wine spillage as possible. A lot of pressure is not required for you to absorb the liquids, just slightly press the stain with the cloth. You should also bear in mind that rubbing or scrubbing the stain is a no-go. This might result in pushing the red wine deep inside your carpet’s fibres or causing the stain to spread even further. Blot the spill working from the edges towards the centre.


  • Pour some water – pouring a little water on the stained area will dilute the red wine, allowing you to absorb the liquid easier. Keep in mind, however, that only cold water should be added to the stain. Furthermore, you shouldn’t go overboard with the amount of water, or else you risk damaging the carpet. Blot the moist surface and go for a dry cloth anytime your cleaning tool stops absorbing the liquid. At some point, this step of the cleaning procedure will no longer be effective and you should move further with the next step.


  • Add baking soda – baking soda is one of the most absorbent eco-friendly ingredients you can employ for carpet cleaning and it is the best remedy to tackle red wine spills on the carpet. To treat the stain, you should prepare a mixture of three-to-one baking soda paste and water. Apply the solution on the surface and let it sit for a few hours. Baking soda needs some time to work its magic, so don’t hurry up and allow it to sit on the red wine spill. After you have waited for long enough, vacuum clean the treated area to collect hard baking soda residue.


  • Add a stain remover – while those steps should be enough for you to remove the red wine stain from the carpet, you might have to add a little stain removal product as well. In case the red wine stain hasn’t been eliminated, use your carpet stain remover as described by the manufacturer to banish all signs of spillage.


  • For a white carpet – when it comes to red wine spilt on a white carpet, you need to prepare a different carpet cleaning remedy. Two parts of hydrogen peroxide mixed with one part liquid hand soap are the solution you can opt for as a replacement for commercial detergents. Apply your DIY cleaner on the stain and wait for a few minutes before you blot the surface and rinse with clean water.


Red carpet stains are tough to banish, but they wouldn’t be able to withstand those smart cleaning tricks. Keep in mind these steps to remove red wine spills from the carpet like a true expert.


©London Carpet Cleaners


Learn How to Deal with a Red Wine Stain Like a Carpet Cleaning Pro



Spilling red wine on the carpet might result in permanently staining the surface, that’s why you should master smart cleaning approaches to tackle the mess. However, don’t be surprised if the stain doesn’t come off in a flash. Red wine is one of the most challenging carpet stains to treat and if you own a light-coloured carpet, you need to be very careful with the cleaning techniques you opt for. Here is how to remove red wine stains from the carpet like a pro:


  • Gather your supplies – just like most other carpet cleaning spills, red wine requires quick actions, so that you can improve your chances of getting rid of the stain. However, before you address the mess, make sure you have your vacuum cleaner, some paper towels or clean cloths, as well as baking soda and water at your disposal. While you are collecting your cleaning supplies, you can sprinkle salt on the red wine spill as a quick fix.


  • Blot the spill – use paper towels or a clean absorbent cloth to remove as much of the red wine spillage as possible. A lot of pressure is not required for you to absorb the liquids, just slightly press the stain with the cloth. You should also bear in mind that rubbing or scrubbing the stain is a no-go. This might result in pushing the red wine deep inside your carpet’s fibres or causing the stain to spread even further. Blot the spill working from the edges towards the centre.


  • Pour some water – pouring a little water on the stained area will dilute the red wine, allowing you to absorb the liquid easier. Keep in mind, however, that only cold water should be added to the stain. Furthermore, you shouldn’t go overboard with the amount of water, or else you risk damaging the carpet. Blot the moist surface and go for a dry cloth anytime your cleaning tool stops absorbing the liquid. At some point, this step of the cleaning procedure will no longer be effective and you should move further with the next step.


  • Add baking soda – baking soda is one of the most absorbent eco-friendly ingredients you can employ for carpet cleaning and it is the best remedy to tackle red wine spills on the carpet. To treat the stain, you should prepare a mixture of three-to-one baking soda paste and water. Apply the solution on the surface and let it sit for a few hours. Baking soda needs some time to work its magic, so don’t hurry up and allow it to sit on the red wine spill. After you have waited for long enough, vacuum clean the treated area to collect hard baking soda residue.


  • Add a stain remover – while those steps should be enough for you to remove the red wine stain from the carpet, you might have to add a little stain removal product as well. In case the red wine stain hasn’t been eliminated, use your carpet stain remover as described by the manufacturer to banish all signs of spillage.


  • For a white carpet – when it comes to red wine spilt on a white carpet, you need to prepare a different carpet cleaning remedy. Two parts of hydrogen peroxide mixed with one part liquid hand soap are the solution you can opt for as a replacement for commercial detergents. Apply your DIY cleaner on the stain and wait for a few minutes before you blot the surface and rinse with clean water.


Red carpet stains are tough to banish, but they wouldn’t be able to withstand those smart cleaning tricks. Keep in mind these steps to remove red wine spills from the carpet like a true expert.


©London Carpet Cleaners


How to Make Carpets and Pet Dogs Coexist


Keeping the carpet clean is a difficult job and when living with a pet dog it could be even more challenging to preserve the carpet spotless. Muddy paws and pet hair stuck in your carpet threaten the perfect looks of your floors, but with the right cleaning strategy, you can prevent the carpet from extreme wear and tear. To make your pet dog and carpet coexist, stick to these smart cleaning tips:


  • Invest in a stain-resistant carpet
    f you haven’t purchased carpets yet, consider investing in the stain-resistant alternative. Surely these types of carpets are more expensive compared to their regular versions, but the investment will pay off. Stain-resistant carpets come with a protective layer added to their fibres, therefore dog messes wouldn’t get the chance to ruin the carpet. In case you have already had your carpets installed, think about scotch-guarding them. The solution adds a protective layer to your carpet, thus preserving the surface stain-free. Surely you would have to reapply the coat from time to time, but with a messy dog at home, you wouldn’t regret the effort.


  • Vacuum clean regularly
    A shedding dog is a nightmare to homeowners who have carpeted floors, but even if your pet doesn’t shed a lot, regular vacuum cleaning is a must. Dander and dust might compromise air quality indoors, that’s why you need to vacuum clean the carpet at least twice a week. During your dog’s most shedding times you might want to vacuum clean daily. While anyone can benefit from a quality vacuum cleaner, for dog owners relying on one is the smartest thing. Regular vacuum cleaning sessions are one of the most important aspects of keeping your place clean when living with a dog.


  • Make smells go away
    No matter how strict you are about your pet’s hygiene, sometimes dogs can leave nasty smells trapped in the carpet. Fortunately, it is really easy to make unpleasant odours go away using a single eco-friendly ingredient. Whenever you decide it’s time for you to refresh the carpet, take a box of baking soda and sprinkle the entire carpet. Let the ingredient sit for at least 12 hours and vacuum clean thoroughly. Baking soda will refresh your carpet naturally, eliminating pet smells complete and without posing a threat to your dog’s health.


  • Address messes smartly
    Pet urine on the carpet is a typical mess you are about to face when living with a dog. Even well-behaved pets have accidents sometimes and you need to react to the messes with the right cleaning approach. First, grab paper towels and absorb as much of the liquid as possible. Press the towels on the stain until the paper comes up almost dry. After that, you should mix a tablespoon of ammonia with a cup of water and spray it on the affected surface. Let the mixture sit for about 5 minutes and vacuum cleaners. Keep in mind that when it comes to the well-being of your four-legged friend, no chemical-based detergents should be applied to the carpet and eco-friendly cleansers are the most harmless solution.


  • Keep the nails trimmed
    It is not only hardwood floors that will suffer if you overlook the nails of your pet dog. While running around the house, your lovely pet could easily damage the carpet’s fibres, unless its nails have been properly trimmed. To preserve your carpet’s fluffiness, trim your dog’s nails regularly. You can also benefit from a pet nail file to make the nails smooth and protect your carpet from damage.


Keeping the carpet clean when living with a pet dog is not an impossible task. All you have to do is to choose the best cleaning approaches and devote some time to carpet cleaning.


© London Carpet Cleaners


Carpet Cleaning Tips to Remove the Most Common Stains

Some types of carpet stains are difficult to remove, such as red wine stains. However, you don’t have to give up all the hope as the right techniques can help you accomplish your mission. In other words, if you apply the best techniques, you can remove any stain, such as ink stains or pet urine. In this article, we have shared a few carpet cleaning tips to clean most types of stains. Read on to know more.

Pet Stains

Your pets can make trouble for you regardless of how trained they are. If they have an upset stomach, they won’t be able to hold it. In this case, you must act fast to avoid a stain.

For instance, you can use paper towels or tissues to soak as much mess as possible. Make sure you scoop or blot rather than scrub, as scrubbing will spread the stains.

After blotting or scooping the area, your next move is to spray it with a cleaning solution of dishwashing liquid and water. After a few minutes, blot the area dry.

Next, prepare another mixture of vinegar and water and spray on the stained spot. After a few minutes, dab it dry. The stain will be gone.



Coffee stains should be treated right away. First, you should soak up the spill using paper towels. At this stage, we don’t recommend that you scrub the area as it will create problems for you.

Spray a little bit of water and vinegar solution on the stained area. After a few minutes, blot it up and then sprinkle a small quantity of baking soda on the area. In the following morning, you can vacuum it up.


Bloodstains are difficult to remove from carpets. But if you go for the right techniques, it will become easier for you. Don’t make the mistake of using lukewarm or hot water or else it will make the stain get deeper into the fibres of the carpet.

First of all, you should spray the area with cold water. Now, prepare a solution of dish detergent and cold water and apply the solution to the stains. After a few minutes, you should dab it try. If you can still see some of the stains, you should repeat the process until the stain is completely gone.


Although ink stains are stubborn, they are not difficult to remove. Drop a few drops of rubbing alcohol or hair spray on the stain and let it sit for one hour.

Afterwards, dab the area until the stain disappears.

Red Wine

Red wine stains are the most difficult to remove. As soon as you spill it over your expensive carpet, you should rush to your kitchen and fetch some tonic water. Pour a little bit of tonic water on the stain but don’t drench the area.

The solution will create bubbles and break up the wine stain. Dab the spot until the carpet is completely dry. Afterwards, spray the area with the water and vinegar solution.

Finally, blot and sprinkle some baking soda on the spot and let it sit for a few hours before vacuuming it up.


Of all the stains mentioned in this article, chocolate stains are the easiest to remove. First of all, you need to freeze the stained area with a few cubes of ice. After the stain turns solid, all you need to do is scrape it away.

Make a mixture of water and dishwashing liquid. Second, spray it on the stained area and let it sit for a few minutes before dabbing it away. And the stain will be gone.


Although chewing gum doesn’t leave stains behind, you may need to freeze it before detaching it from your carpet fibres. Fill a small shopping bag with ice cubes and place it on the spot for 15 to 30 minutes.

Now, scrape the chewing gum slowly so as not to damage the carpet fibres. So, you must bear patience and do it carefully.

In short, you can try these tips if you want to remove these 7 types of stains from your office or domestic carpets.

If you are looking for a professional service to clean your carpets, we suggest that you try out London Carpet Cleaners.

© London Carpet Cleaners

5 Vacuum Cleaning Tips to Use from Carpet Cleaning Pros


Did you know that vacuum cleaning the carpet can prolong its lifespan? Going over the carpet with your vacuum is one of the most effective cleaning methods to remove dust and dirt from the surface, thus extending the durability of the carpet. Although vacuum cleaning might seem like a simple chore to handle, you should try a few expert tips and improve your carpet cleaning routine. Here is how to become an expert on vacuum cleaning:


  • Vacuum clean regularly – it is a carpet cleaning rule expert cleaners would never get tired of insisting on – stick to a regular cleaning routine. The longer you postpone vacuum cleaning the carpet, the more stubborn messes become, therefore they might damage your carpet’s fibres. Furthermore, air quality indoors becomes worse if you don’t remove dust from the carpet frequently. To make the most of your precious carpet, keep it clean with a reasonable vacuum cleaning routine. Professionals believe vacuum cleaning the carpet once a week is enough for maintaining the addition in great shape, but if you live with a big family, tackle the chore two or three times per week.


  • Pick hidden dust – if the surface under your furniture is carpeted, don’t forget to vacuum clean it too. While these areas are tougher to reach, you don’t have to deal with the task every time you clean the carpet. Vacuum clean under furniture pieces at least once a month to eliminate buildup dust and improve air quality at home. In case you are dealing with relatively light pieces, you can even relocate them for a while so that you can give the carpet a thorough cleanup with the vacuum.


  • Get the best vacuum cleaner – and do your best to keep it in perfect working condition. Vacuum cleaning the carpet with a powerful machine goes a long way in extending the lifespan of the rug, that’s why investing in a brand-new vacuum is a purchase worth making. Surely the latest models might seem quite expensive, yet preserving the carpet is crucial in the long run. In addition to dealing with the job effectively, quality vacuum cleaners allow you to complete the chore in no time. However, don’t forget to provide decent maintenance for your machine. Make sure you always start with an empty bag or container, otherwise the vacuum cleaner might fail to perform as expected.


  • Address stains first – even the highest quality vacuum cleaner wouldn’t be able to clean the carpet if the surface is covered with stains. Sticky or greasy messes should be removed from the carpet before vacuum cleaning, or else the machine wouldn’t pick dust and dirt stuck in the rug. So before you grab the vacuum cleaner, inspect the carpet for nasty stains. Treat the stains using safe, eco-friendly cleaning solutions to prepare the surface for vacuuming.


  • Has the carpet occasionally been cleaned by the pros – taking advantage of a professional carpet cleaning service has amazing benefits not only for the looks of your rug but for the healthy environment as well? At least once a year, book a professional carpet cleaning company to eliminate all allergens trapped in your carpet. While learning how to vacuum clean like a pro can set the carpet free from dust and dirt, relying on the experts will boost the result of your efforts by deep cleaning the carpet.


Follow these vacuum cleaning tips experts recommend for keeping the carpet clean. Vacuum clean the carpet as often as possible to banish dust and dirt from the surface. Invest in a quality vacuum cleaner and keep it in top shape. Address carpeted surfaces under your furniture. Before you start vacuum cleaning, take care of oily or sticky messes on the carpet. From time to time have your carpet professionally treated to provide the best care.


© London Carpet Cleaners


Carpet Stain Removal Mistakes You Should Never Make

Whether it is a grease stain on your sofa or some oil stain on your white shirt, a significant splatter or spill is enough to disorganized an individual. In the frenzy, one can make one or two cleaning mistakes while trying to remove the stains immediately, and getting it wrong would mean making matters worse. Nobody can stop you from panicking once you encounter a sudden stain, however, we are saying you should try your best to avoid making those rash decisions that can complicate matters.

At London Carpet cleaners, we share a lot of cleaning tips and hacks that can help one remove even the most stubborn stains from clothes, furniture, and carpets. But there are also some things you should never do. We will be discussing some of those common mistakes people make while trying to get rid of stains below;

Trying to scrub a stain: When a stain occurs, the same basic instinct might tell one to start scrubbing straight away. Well, this should not be the case because dabbing or blotting out stains is a more viable option. Scrubbing at a stain can do more harm than good in that it would potentially increase the diameter of the stain and even weaken the fabric at the same time. So instead of rubbing at a stain, stay calm and blot it out.

Drying the item before the stain is completely reduced: Once a stain occurs, you should make the first move of trying to make sure you remove the stain. Removing the stain may prove to be a little stressful, but you need to go through that stress before drying the material. Just as hot water can make stains permanent, sun-drying can do the same. They both have one thing in common; heat. So treat the stain first, no matter how stubborn it may be, then wash the item, before drying it. As long as the stain was removed before drying, you are good to go.

Immediately trying to rinse with hot water: Before you use hot water to attack that stain, take a second to reconsider. Basic instinct may suggest that hot water can dissolve the stain in an instant, but is that all? The same hot water can also set some stains permanently to the material, especially stains that are protein-based like blood. Hot water makes it more difficult to be removed. So instead of rushing to use piping hot water to directly attack a stain, consider using cold water to at least rinse it out.

Allowing stains to sit too long on the fabric: Once you have come up with a plan to tackle the stain, take action immediately. Resist the temptation to just throw it into the laundry bin and let it stay there till you are ready to wash all the clothes. The longer stains sit on materials, the more difficult they are to be removed.

Using a mixture of stain removers: Contrary to what most people believe, mixing different stain removers is never a good idea. Some think that the potency of cleaning becomes double once you mix stain removers but that is not true. The effects are the opposite. First, it can create some harmful gases depending on the solutions being mixed. Then, it can have a damaging effect on the fabric. So if you use a product and you do not get the required result, try another after the first one, instead of mixing them.

Application of too much stain remover: Yes, we understand that you want to get rid of the stains as soon as possible. But oversaturation will not do you so much good. If the product is used in excess, it becomes a lot more difficult to rinse it out completely, especially when the item is a carpet or upholstery. Instead of oversaturation, apply in lesser quantities but do it repeatedly if necessary.

Attacking stains from their centre: Doing this ultimately increases the chances of spreading the stain. Instead of this, try to tackle the stains from the edges and slowly work your way to its centre. That way, you will keep it from seeping or spreading.


Taking the right cleaning tips and avoiding these mistakes will make it possible for one to clean effectively. So what are you waiting for? If you require professional cleaners for your rugs and carpets, please contact London Carpet Cleaning services, and we will convince you we are the best.

© London Carpet Cleaners

5 Carpet Cleaning Hacks for Stubborn Carpet Stains



Stuck with the gross smell from stubborn carpet stains? Don’t just toss them away. Try these 5 DIY carpet cleaning hacks.

Let me guess – you are struggling with stubborn stains on your carpet. We cracked the code!

A carpet is an amazing addition to the home. It is both aesthetically pleasing and functional. This shoots it to the top of the most favoured types of flooring.

Notwithstanding, it is no secret that maintaining a carpet is a lot of work. To preserve its beauty and longevity, experts advise homeowners to take good care of their carpets. But that is no easy job. Carpets tend to hold on to stains more than any other type of flooring. If you have pets or kids, then you will have much bigger trouble maintaining your carpets as stains are bound to set in at some point no matter how careful you are.


So, how do you deal with stains that just won’t let go? We put together the cleaning hacks for 5 of such stains in this article detailing 5 Cleaning Hacks for Stubborn Carpet Stains

Note: Everyone gets a bonus tip at the end of the article. So sit back and enjoy! Also, this will be a good time to Subscribe if you haven’t done that already.


How to Remove Red Wine Stains from Carpet


  •  First things first, be ready to clean over and over again because this is the toughest stain to get out of a carpet


  • Make sure to dry the wine from the carpet so you don’t spread it to unaffected areas.


  • Get just enough club soda to cover the stained area.


  • Leave to set for a while and start blotting it up.


  • Don’t be discouraged if the first wash didn’t get it all out. Just repeat the process as many times as necessary to remove stubborn carpet stains.

How to Remove Blood Stains from Carpet

  • Bloodstains can easily spread if not noticed early enough. Whether a little stain or not, make sure to attack it as soon as you notice it. Leaving it to settle in means more work for you.


  • Spray a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and dish soap on the stain


  • Leave the mixture to stay then wash off.

How to Remove Pet Stains from Carpet


  •  Use vinegar to completely rid the carpet of the stains.


  • Mix ¼ cup of vinegar with an equal amount of warm water.


  • Then spray the mixture on the stained area. Allow to set.


  • Now, vigorously clean the area until the stain disappears.


Note: Before anything else, be sure to pick up as many stains as you can get from the carpet.


 How to Remove Ink Stains from Carpet

  • Ink stains can be tough to remove. Therefore, an alcohol solution is necessary. You could try isopropyl alcohol.


  • With the alcohol, dampen a clean cloth and use it to clean the stained area.


Note: To get the expected result, be sure to repeat the process over and again


How to Remove Coffee Stains from Carpet

  •  As explained for red wine, it is essential to keep the stain from spreading. You can do this by drying up whatever excess is on the carpet.


  • Then throw in a mixture of water, detergent, and vinegar. This will break the bond in the stains and make it easier to dissolve stubborn carpet stains.


Note: Use non-bleach detergent.

Bonus Tip!


How to Remove Vomit Stains from Carpet


  •  Removing vomit stains is just as demanding. You may have to blot up the stain multiple times for the desired result.


  • Start by removing debris or solid matter. So you do not end up mashing the stain into the carpet fibres.


  • Sprinkle enough baking soda on the stained area.


  • Allow settling for about 15 minutes


  • Vacuum or blot up as many times as required

This sums up how to remove 5 of the most stubborn carpet stains we face in our homes and offices. If your carpet is refusing to let go of stains, you may just need one of these cleaning tricks to get things going. Thank us later!


Let us know which tips you are trying next in the comment section below. Also, don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe to encourage us to produce more great tips like these.

© London Carpet Cleaners

6 Magical Carpet Cleaning Hacks to Completely Restore Your Carpet



Whether you live in a huge house outside the city or in a modest apartment downtown, furnishing your place with a beautiful carpet can make space feel cosier than you imagine. Unfortunately, carpets are not the easiest solution when it comes to cleaning, which is why you should master special methods to address any problem with. If you worry that your carpet would lose its perfect appearance very quickly, fear not. Here are six amazing cleaning hacks you should try when the outstanding shape of your rug is at stake:


  • Blot spills – sooner or later you would be faced with food or liquids spilt on the carpet and only the right cleaning method can save the rug from serious damage. To properly treat carpet spillages, remember that you should never scrub or rub the mess. Just grab paper towels or a clean towel and blot the spot. Absorb as much of the spill as possible and then move on with your cleaning detergent.


  • Use the lint roller – putting the lint roller in action is a magical carpet cleaning hack, which pet owners would no doubt appreciate. The goal of this tool is to facilitate removing hairs stuck in your rug’s fibres. When your vacuum cleaner fails to extract hairs your shedding pet has left behind, take the lint roller and start tackling the task. Depending on the carpet you have, completing the job successfully may take only a few minutes. For shaggy carpets, however, you should be prepared to invest a little more time in collecting hairs with the lint roller.


  • Deodorise the carpet – another hack pet owners would gladly benefit from is using baking soda as a natural deodorizer for the carpet. This powerful ingredient can absorb unwanted smells from the carpet, leaving the rug freshly scented. Just sprinkle the surface generously with baking soda and wait a few hours before you vacuum clean. No matter the source of the nasty odour your carpet has been trapping, baking soda would eliminate it right away.


  • Fight oily stains – you would be right to assume oily carpet stains are extremely difficult to remove. But not if you have baking soda by your side – the ingredient is capable of so much more than deodorising the carpet. So in case you have to fight oily mess on the carpet, take the box of baking soda and sprinkle the stain generously. Again, you should wait a few hours before you vacuum clean the area. The result is worth waiting for because baking soda would absorb oily residue, thus making the stain much easier to tackle.


  • Remove nail polish stains – you have spilt nail polish on your squeaky clean carpet and you have no idea how to approach the stain? Don’t worry, a little rubbing alcohol can restore the perfect looks of your carpet. First, try to remove as much of the dried nail polish as possible using the dull side of a knife. After that soak a clean towel with rubbing alcohol and gently blot the affected part of the carpet. This hack is supposed to help you to dissolve what’s left of the nail polish, transferring it from the carpet to the towel.


  • Refresh a light-coloured carpet – if the carpet at your place is light-coloured, you know how quickly it begins to look dirty, especially in high traffic areas. These regular dirt stains can be banished from the rug applying nothing else but some shaving cream. Rub the product on the spot and let it stay there for a while. That’s all you have to do, your beige or white carpet would look brand-new again.


Although carpets might be challenging to maintain, they remain one of the prettiest solutions homeowners continue to invest in. Now that you have discovered these effective carpet cleaning hacks, you can rest assured your rug would preserve its beauty for a long time.


© London Carpet Cleaners